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Magnus Carlquist

Magnus Carlquist is Associate Professor at Applied Microbiology with focus on microbial catalysis and single-cell analysis. He obtained a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from LTH in 2004 and a PhD degree in Engineering from the Division of Applied Microbiology, LTH, in 2008. During his PhD education he studied carbonyl reductases and microbial engineering methods for the production of chiral alcohols that are important chemical building blocks for various pharmaceuticals. Between 2009-2011 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), where he studied cell population heterogeneity in yeast fermentation processes. In 2011 MC returned to LU and established the single-cell bioengineering group at the Division of Applied Microbiology with focus area on design and development of single-cell methods in experimental microbiology, genome engineering and fluorescent dye-based assays in combination with flow cytometry and FACS (Fluorescence-activated cell sorting) for rapid measurement of large cell populations. MC is also responsible for establishing and managing the Microbial flow cytometry FACS platform, which is used for studying quantitative physiology at the single-cell level, bioprocess monitoring and screening for enzymes and improved microbial population performance. 

MC:s current research projects involve:

  • Microbial population engineering. Improvement of microbial bioconversion processes by novel methods to monitor and control the activity, fitness and phenotypic heterogeneity of microbial populations at the single-cell level.
  • Microbial biosynthesis of bioactive compounds. Development of bioengineering technology for directed evolution of molecules towards specific drug targets.
  • Lignin valorization. Microbial bioconversion of depolymerized lignin to valuable chemicals


MC teaches in the following courses:


MC:s list of publications can be found at Google Scholar



Phone: +46 46 222 98 75


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